Buddy's teeth are terrible. TERRRRRIBLE! Bad breeding plays a huge part, combined with the fact that we cannot put him under again without the risk of complications (no teeth cleanings for this boy!) I have been looking high and low for a bone that meets this little picky terror's standards but to no avail. He is the most picky little dog I have ever met.
So, naturally, anytime I bring home a new chew-type toy his response is never "Oh yay new yummies your the best I love you!!!!" Nope, it runs more to the "Oh sh*t mom, for the love of dog GIVE IT UP! Do I have to pretend to be grateful again? You know the minute you turn your back I am throwing this crap to my brother. That guy eats anything. Give.it.up" Yet still I try.
And most recently. I WON!
Looking forward to your post Buddy!!!