Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Keep a Close Eye On the Rug
I used to had da whole howse to myself and cud goes anywere dat I want. I had dis speshul privuhlig cuz I is sooper gud dawg and never goes potty in da house. I had to worked lots of yers to earned dis privuhlig. Now dat I has only eye-spots and no eyes I has to goed in da hyomna bafroom when dey leaved. I doesn't go potty in da house still, and has no aksident - even when I was eating da chiken pills dat makes you dizzy, dunno why I is getting punish. Mom sed is for my own gud. ::growly:: ::growly:: I doesn't lyked dis new rool so I letted her knowed. I cried lots and made my skwiril sownds but she doesn't saved me so der I stayed. I was still gud dawg so I didn't pottied anywere - but I was tinkin to mebbe go on her new rug, just to prooved my poynt.
I has some exciting news stuffs too. I, Buddy Dawg da grayt whiyt huntr has defeeted da stair monster. He is still skary and somtymes gits me, but yesterday I winned! Mom wuz at works and Gman was home wif me. He leaved me in da office spot upstairs so dat he cud go in da kitchen. If you is dawg den you knowed dat da kitchen is where all da hyoman foods falls on da floors and you get reely gud nommies dat you won't git if you isn't rite under da feets.
I wud not let such a grayt oppertoonity passed me by. I comed down da stairs wifout even tinkin bout it. Gman sed my tekneek were flawdless, I did so gud. Sad thing, I still did not get hyoman nommies so my efforts was waysted. If dat is how dey is gonna play, I will just make sure dat mom carries me from now on. I was so sad dat i din't git da hyoman nommies dat I wented outside and eat da grasses insted. Dat was pretty gud too, wud be better if der was wormies.
Kisses and snuggles-Buddy Dawg
Monday, September 28, 2009
5 Little Things
Dis is list for
1. I is soo happee when da gramma and grampa comes to visit. Dey gives me extra snuggles and hugs and is so fun.
3. I loves to sniffs da yard. I is so happee if I can finds a wormy or spider to rolls on. Dat is doggee hevin!!
4. Mom sed no matters wut is important to stop and sniffs da flowers. Dis pikshure is wen I still had da eye, but eben wif no eyes I still luvs to sniff da flowers. Da ones dat leeve da yellow stuffs on yer nose is da best! Wen we goes campin' mom just letted me sniffs da flowers all da tyme and da big dawg goes swimmin. I gets da better deal.
5. Da big dawg and me both is thinking dat we is mostest happy when da cuzins come visit. We make dawgy piyl for nappy time and all get to cuddled!! (See, even in da dawgy piyl my blue blankee gets to come.)
Dis list is for Maxim:
1. Dis one we is shayring - him is same as me on #5.
5. Him luvs storee tyme wif da cuzins. Dey reed him da buks and he lerns new stuffs. Dis was skary buk so he had to cuddle reel close.
Ok, now I is singin da song "Don't worry be happy" cuz dis list maded us both happy to rited it. I doesn't knowed dat many friends wif da bloggies, so I tags everyone who has not played dis game yet. Have funs!! We is gonna go outside now so I can find some wormies and da big dawg can pee on things.
Kisses and snuggles - Buddy Dawg
Friday, September 25, 2009
Waiting For The Energizer Bunny To Visit
Thursday, September 24, 2009
What's For Dinner?
Boot camp meens dat da Big Dawg must goes enywhere mom goes, and does stuff like sit and lay down and show her da belly. All day he dos this stuff, he is not having gud time wif boot camps. Da only place he doesn't goes is kitchen, cuz big dawg is not 'llowed to go in dat one. Den mom sits on floor wif us and lets me go exploring cuz I is pretend like I am Gorj of Jungle and exploring wild places. Rite now exploring is my favoryte thing but only in da basement where no stair monsters lived at.
Mom, you really want me to do bootcamp? Can't I just eat him? Pleeeaaasseee!
In his boot camp he is gonna lerned new tricks too, just like me! Today he started lerning to "Touch It". Dis trick makes no sense to me, cuz why wud Big Dawg touch wif his paw? He shud just sticks it in his mouf, and if it is nommy den eats it - if it is yucky den spits it out. But mom sed dis is what he must do, so she must knows more den me bout dis stuff.
If you has any ideas about dis boot camp and how to makes my brudder not wants to eets me, mom wud loves some ideas. I doesn't wanna be dinner for no Maxim dawg, I wants to be friends. So I wud loves some ideas for her too. Mom sed it is prolly part of my fault too, cuz now dat I is blinds I can't see him talking wif his body talking langwage. Mebbe him tries to tell me nice and I is ignoring him so he tells me notty way. But since I can't lerned to sees him - mom sed he has to lerned to be nice all da times, even if I ignores his body talk. Dat is gud dat he has to lerns more stuff, cuz I has my plate full thankyouverymuch.
Here is to hopin dat I blogs tomorrow and does not be Big Dawg dinner before dat!!
Kisses & Snuggles-Buddy Dawg
4 days til I is cone free!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
At da studio I had a gud time for a while. Da kids do loved on me lots. One even telled me a story about how she has hyoman friend like me who has no eye-spots; and dat she lerned gud about how to do her house and all sorts of stuff, so I wud too. Mom thinks is sweet dat da little hyomans gets to lerned about disabilitees wif me der. But it is too tyring to be little dawg at studio, and I don't gets all my naps-so by da end of da nite sumwon has to be my baebysitter and carry me so i can naps. Can't be mom tho cuz she is dancing, and den I gets sad and squeeks little bit. I doesn't meen to squeeks, cuz I know quiet dawg is gud dawg. But sometimes dey sneek out when I is sad. Mom forgived me tho so dat is ok.
Well, da dredded day is here. I wuz ofishially busted at my "pretend to be to sad and do nufin but cuddle". Mom finally lerned dat I is not feeling so bad as she thinked so she made me started my training agin. It was not so bad cuz today we did fun stuffs dat I knows gud. We din't do nufin too hard cuz I still gets to takes it easy while I is on da chiken pills dat makes me dizzy. I did all my tricks gud except shake. I don't git why I shud shake when I can't sees da hand anyways. Can't you just petted me insted? So mom made me do dat one lots, cuz shake used to be my favorite. I finally had to tells her dat I can't see her stinkin hand. She can seed my paw tho, I say if she wants to shake- she can just grabs it for peets sake!!
We din't do too much cuz I still gets tired easy. When I gets too tired I lays down like sad dawg and shakes like leaf until mom sez ok she unnerstands and piks me up to putted me on blue blankie. I shud get patent on dis look, as I seem to get lots of gud stuffs wif it. I will call it "Eyes So Pittyful" cuz it started when I din't has no eyes, and I is lookin for pitty.
My favorite parts of having to do da tricks is dat when we is done we plays find it game. I loves find it game. Mom sed I cud put video of dis game for you to watch, she sed it is aful boring but I is just so proud of myself I had to shayr. But I agree, it is kind of boring, as I has to sniff lots before I find it. Mom sed it was rite in front of my face and I din't even no. Mebbe I shud exercize my sniffer too.
Dat is all for today.
Kisses & snuggles-Buddy Dawg
6 days til I is cone free!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sharing is Caring
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Dis is both da eyes. Is puffy, but dat is ok for now.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Don't be a tease!
Mom was playing da find it game. She puts nommies all over da floor and I has to use my sniffer to finds dem. Dis is to helped me get confidanse back. I was sniffing and sniffing and den *BAM*! Da stair monster putted da stairs rite in my way. I falled down one stair but I was gud dawg and didn't get scared. I just gotted my balanse and comed back up da stair to find more nommies. Da stair monster is not as fast as me and he din't eatted my toes or nuthin. Mom was so proud of me she clapped her hands and made luvey noises. I did happy dance cuz she made me feel so gud. ::butt wiggle:: ::butt wiggle::
It's ofishal, we haf da Mice in our car spot. Da hyomans sed dat my blood shud has mice hunting powers in it, so we doesn't need no mice traps. But da V.E.T. taked my blood not that long ago and sed not one thing about powers. I doesn't cares about no stinkin mice. So, dey buy da traps. Dis means dat i can't do my Dora Explorer impreshiuns in da car spot no mores. Since Gman is hunting da mice mebbe he has da speshiul powers? We shud ask V.E.T. to checked his bloods for it.
Tomorrow is surjery. Mom is scared bout it. I is cuddle her lots so she knowed I is brave dawg. I is so exsited to not has pain no mores, and mom boughted book to helped her train me gud. I say smooth sayling from here. Don't tell mom, cuz I is being strong for her - but I is scared too. I doesn't want no more surjery after dis. So i will try very hard to be helthee dawg.
Dis is me tellling cuzin Jazz to stop da teasin'. Is not nice!
Kisses and snuggles-Buddy Dawg
1 day til surjery
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Great White Hunter.
Den dey taked me in a room in da back and taked my bloods. Dey did not use der moufs so I knowed dey not a vampyr. Dey use a pokey stick. It hurted and I was cried some, but den I got nommies and cuddles so it was ok. My V.E.T. is not bad hyoman, he is very nice and he talks to mom lyke she is not crazee. Even though we all knowed she is a little nuts.
After dat stuff den mom and me went to dance studio. I meeted so many gud smelling lil hyomans! Dey smelly like cheetos and noodles and chips and .....hevin. Wen mom wud look da oder way dey wud sneaked me some of da hyoman nommies, I is thinkin mebbe she knowed about it though. I made a friend named Lena. She wud loved on me soft and didn't talked too loud and even introdewce herself before she petted me. She was not roode. I must gived her mommy some kisses when I seed her. Wait, I wud never seed her cuz I doesn't has no working eye. Mebbe I wud smelled her and knowed.....
Mom telled Gigi she was nurvos on how I would behayv wif little hyomans cuz I never was around dem wifout my seeing abilitee. I was such gud dawg! I did the ::butt wiggle:: ::butt wiggle:: and gived dem kisses and dey gived me kisses too. I gots tyred after a few hors tho, so my cuzin Mimi letted me
I lerned new game at da studio too! I named dis game "Dawg: Da Buggy Huntr". Der was dis horible sound lyke chainsaw and den something wud land on my back. So, I turned into miytee huntr like Crokodyle Man and I gotted dem buzzy thing. Mom sed dis is not hyoman game, only dawgy game. So if you is hyoman and you wants to play-don't tell mom or she wud think mebbe I is bad inflewens on you. Here is how you play da game:
1. Stayed very very still.
2. Listen for miytee monster who buzzes lyke chainsaw.
3. Wen it getted relly loud stand very still.
4. If you feeled something on da back or da ear, den you....whips your hed round fast and fast and snaps your jaws shut lyke mighty chomp mashine.
5. If you missed, den you start over. If you getted dem, you will feel crallies on you tunge-spits it out and stomps on it wif your miytee claws like grayt lion. Mom called it a "fly", but it din't fly no more. And da chainsaw sounds was done.
Dis is my favoryt new game!
Kisses & Snuggles-Buddy Dawg
Countown: 3 days til surjery
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Mom, let me teach you a thing or two.
So I is tricking mom into tinkin' dat mebbe I forgets how to do stairs. (She is eazy to trik.) Den she does sometin or da oder. She a) carried me evryware. b)puts nommies all over da stairs.
When she doos "a" I is in heven cuz den I is baebe dawg and she talked sweet to me and puts me on da blue blankie. Her sounded so sweet so I ignores da words - cuz da words are dis "Dang it, little dog. You have GOT to figure this BLEEP out. You are much smarter than this. If you think I am gonna do this forever you are good and mistaken Mr. Buddy". Wut I heers her say is dis "blah blah blah LITTLE DOG. blah blah blah SMART. blah blah blah GOOD blah Mr. BUDDY." Sigh, she sed I is GUD DAWG ::butt wiggle:: ::butt wiggle::. (Just soes you know gud dawgs doesn't sed notty words, so I sed bleep insted - cuz I is a gud dawg)
I doesn't like it when she does "b", I is hoped dat she stopped tryin dat one veeerrryy soon. I tryed to cried lots and looked pittyfool, but she din't listens. I wonders if she seed me be's pittyfool? Mebbe she shud goes to V.E.T to gets her eye cheked too, cuz she din't do nuthin 'bout my pitiful look.
First time she did nommies on da stairs I sed "Go go gatjet Buddy Dawg" and strechd sooo long, den I got nommies off two stairs and I didn't has to climb. I is so smart. Mom catched on fast tho, so next time she din'ts let me strechd. So on my try for da next nommies, I went sooo slow for da one stair, got my nommies and turned around fast. I wented so fast I runned strayt into da stair monster, and he push me down. I falled on my tummy. Gman sed I is yellow belly. I look at me belly after I falls and it is not yellow, it is pink. So mebbe he has da eye ishu too?
So den I was done! I isn't doin dat no mores, not even for steaks. Den mom leaved me on da mayn floor and sed "Well, you are going to have to learn. If you want to cuddle you will come to me." She wented and sitted on da cowch and made stubborned sound like dis "Harumph". She did not doos ::butt wiggle:: ::butt wiggle:: so I knowed she wus not joked about dis. Ha, she don't knowed it, but I is way more stubberend den she is.
Cuz I wants to be gud dawg I was gonna goes to her like she sayd to- but den da floor turned into sooper scary sooper dangerous STAIR MONSTERVILLE!! Eberywhere I turns der is stair monsters who wants to bited my toes. So I frozened still liek a stachew dawg and hopes mebbe dey don't sees me. It works ..... ..... .....Mom comes and gots me evenchewally. I is so much smarter den mom is, she shud lets me teeched her some tricks.
Oh, and mom putted my picture in a contest it is called "Cutest Dog". mom sed if I wins I gets to do two tings. I gets to get real live trayner to teeched her how to helps me (told you she wuz not smart hyoman) and I gets to help uder blind dogs wifout familyes gets operashuns so dat dey can be gud dawgs and finds a mom as gud as mine is. I would apreshiayt it if you voted for me. You cud vote once a day so vote lots pretty pleeze!! Here is da info: VOTE FOR BUDDY
Kisses and snuggles-Buddy Dawg.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Meet my hero!
Anyway, here is Dulcea - she is my heeerrrrooooo.
I liked those parts.
Pick Your Battles
See-me and Big Dawg waits lyke gud boys for dem nommies.
Da Hyomans sed I has to do more eksersyze so I can stayed strong and all dat stuff. But I is too scayred to do dem, cuz da stair monsters get me wen I walks arownd, so mostly I sit by mom. No eksersyze plus lots of treets maked my mom tink i would be a fat dawg soon. Know wat I tink? I wud be still coote. I meen, hyomans like big rite? I herd da song "Badonkadonk" and I herd da song bout "Junk in da trunk", so hyomans wud lyke my junk in da trunk...mebbe. I herd Gman sed to mom "Pick Your Battles". I is tinkin dat dis one cud be da battle I picked dis yer. To be fat, or not to be fat-dat is da kweshtion.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wow, I is so tecknologikallee advanced!
I is a very good dawg, but Gman sed I is a lemin. Lemins look yellow and dunnit tasted good - so mebbe he is teasin-I is not yellow, and no one is eatted me. He is called me lemin lots lately cuz I is fallin apart. I has only one eye left in my hed to see the hyomans wif- da other one got taken away. Mom sed it was sick and I had to haf operashun. Now my oder eye be's sick too, so I is gonna get 'noder operashun. Den I has NO eyes. Sounds like meebe the operashun be's the lemin here. Who wantsa haf no eyes left?
So eneewaes, Mom sed to me I ned a shirt dat sayed "blind dog" so pepple who tinks i is so coote don'ts try to piks me up wifout asking me first. Dat is roode to not asked permishun. So I writed sum notes to my MeeMaw askin her for da new shirt. Lots of fambily reeded da notes, and tinks I is coote. (Well, Gigi sed I is ugly - but she loved me aneeway.) And MeeMaw sedded she wuld maykes me da shirt - so now I is doing a happee dance ::butt wiggle, but wiggle::
So my unka Bo sed I shud has a blog. Here it is! Well, dat is da troo storee of how I gots faymus. Mom sed before I go I shud tell all de pepple dat sometymes I am gotta shayr wif my brudder Maxim. She sed shayring is gud and growed karecture. I sed I is big enuf and karecture didn't sounded so grayt, but she is da boss - so look for hims sometymes too.
Ok, next tyme I is gonna tell 'bout how we is lerning "Left" and "Right" so I cud be a smart blind dawg. Gman was rite, mom didn't knows dem very good.
Kisses and snuggles-Buddy Dawg