Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The mom is calling all dog lovers - urgent! UPDATE - SAFE!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Calling to order the first meeting of Sh*t Eaters Anonymous
1. We admit that we are powerless over sh*t - that our lives have become unmaneageable.
Kisses & Snuggles,
Buddy Dawg
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Dear mom part 2
Maxim the Big Dawg
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Dear Mom
Thursday, June 10, 2010
An announcement and attack of the pollen
Kisses & Snuggles,
Buddy Dawg
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It's all mom's fault.
[URL=]View My Video[/URL]
(This is mom...again....who can't figure out how to post a video. So go here to see him do a new trick, it's worth it!!!)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Training Session
Friday, April 16, 2010
Spring means gardening!
Kisses & Snuggles,
Buddy Dawg
Pee Ess: Jump over to da kontest bloggy for "All Hopped Up" to meeted your newest judge!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
It appears I have made lots of new friends!
I start dis blog cuz I wuz reely try to maked my meemaw feeled so bad cuz I was pitty-full dat she wud maked me "blind dawg" shirt. I wud liyk to ware somefin liyk dis wen we go to playses for soshulizashun (liyk da studio or da PetSmart). You cud called it muhnipulashun wut I try to do wif her, but since did not work - iz bettur if you ignores dat trayt in me.
I never did getted my shirt wut say "blind dawg", and I iz littul sad abowt dat. Mom do think it wud help edjukayt peeple who want to just pick up coote littul dawg wifout propur introdukshiuns. Maxim da big dawg sed mebbe we cud git a "Dog For The Blind" shirt and just ware it bakwurds. Mom sed no. /////partee pooper////
So, I haz been blindy for abowt 7 months now - but I wuz one-eyed wonder dawg befor dat too. If you wants to reed da begin part of dis juhrney - you cud go here kay?
Kisses & Snuggles,
Buddy Dawg.
Pee Ess. We haz 2 doggies All Hopped Up! Go check 'em out!! And soon we wud haf new judj telled you abowt theyself too - so stay tooned :)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Introducing Judge #1
Him is introwduse himself on All Hopped Up kontest bloggy if you wanted to lern abowt how cool him iz, not at all reelly though. If him keeps dis up I mite haf to showed you pikshure of hims fayvorite blankut wut is girl blanket cuz it's pink. Jus' to maked shore him do not git too full of himselfs and stuff.
Okay, haf fun!
Kisses & Snuggles,
Buddy Dawg
Monday, April 5, 2010
All Hopped Up Contest - join us!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Great Depression
Mom say during dis Grayt Duhpreshun I doesn't haf to do my trayning and I kin just akklimayt to da new sichuashun. If you never heer word "akklimayt" before lemme tell you. Dis word meen dat you spend lots of tiym just doin' da fayvorit stuff wut you liyk to do, snuggle da hyomans, and most best doesn't haf to fiyt da stayr monster ever cuz da hyoman does carry you insted. It taked me a long long time (I swear I wuz not a fayker just for da free riyds), and mom did getted skared dat mebbe she make wrong choise to haf surjery - dat mebbe I wud never be happy dawg agin. She did gived herself lots of new gray hairs on akkownt of me and dis duhpreshun - we iz almost twins!
But den I proof her wrong! I iz very happy agin now, and I even try to play wif da big dawg! I did play bow and barkity-growlity liyk suppose to, but den he slap his feets down too. Dis wuz such big sownd dat it skare me lots and I changed my mind. I wud keep trying and mebbe next tiym we kin work it owt.
To selubrayt my new owtlook on liyf mom did getted new camara - so look for many pikshure storees as we lerned our new triks agin :)Til next time
Kisses & Snuggles,
Buddy Dawg
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My Story in Six Words

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
(ALMOST) Wordless Wednesday
Heer is my wurdless Wenzdae vidyo - iz my new trik! Mom sed dat I iz spose to telled you dat her knows to only say da trik wurd won tiym and not reepeet lots. Da ishu is dat sins I kant see my reeward wut iz nommies, or my reeward wut iz happee hyoman- dat I haz short attenshun span. So she keeps me fokus by talked lots and maked sure I 'members I haz a task to do. Her does not do dis wif big dawg who can look at her to fokus :) So, even tho we knowed dis is "wrong" trayning dawgy trik to reepeet kommands- we iz bended da rools an akowt of da blindees. Mebbe someday I wud not need dis for fokus-mebbe I wud need it for always. We wud see :)
(We hope dat next Wenzdae vidyo I kin do dis trik wifout box in my way, kross yer paws kay?!!)
Pee Ess: It seem dat I iz haved some trubel getting da vidyo to play. Heer is link to watch if you kan't see it on da bloggy!!
Kisses & Snuggles - Buddy Dawg
Sunday, January 10, 2010
More Chicken Pills
She trik me and say we wuz goed to see my frends at da danse studio wer dem gives me lots of snuggles, but as soon as I did smelled wer we reely went wuz da V.E.T. I wuz not happee wif da trik. I did try to be da brayv dawg, evun wen dem did da hyomilyashun of taked da tempurachur. Den da V.E.T. wut is my fayvorit one did pushed on my eyespot and maked me cry, and open my mouf wide wich maked me skared, and push on my bellee and all kind of stuffs. (I must rekonsidur if him is my fayvorit after dis most unsatizfaktoree treetmunt.)
Him finally say dat I haz infekshun under da prahs-theeesiz wut is da marbull in my hed. So now I haz to taked da rim-ah-diyll wut taste liyk chikin pill so dat I doesn't skratch no mores, and I takes some ant-I-buy-awdiks for to kill da infekshun wut is in my hed. Now I iz spose to fiyt big battul wif da germiez. If I winz dis battul den I doesn't haz to haf more surjery. If I iz not strong enuf littul dawg for to win dis battul wif da miytee germiez den mebbe I haz to git nuther surjery wut wud taked my prahs-theeesiz away.
Den him telled mom dat I wuz gud wayt for littul dawg wut doeznt eksersiyz dat much and dat wayt wuz not my big konsern rite now, but I cud mebbe loos littul bit. I iz 6.8 pownd and wud loos few ownses for to be perfuct wayt. Kin you imagiyn him haz da gutts to do all dis meen stuffs to me den tell me to not eated so much, wen eated iz my fayvorit to do? I blame mom for dis cuz her did ask him bowt my wayt. Why do she ask abowt me be fat or skinny wen KLEERY we haz biggur stuffs wut we shud worry abowt. So, now her haz me on diyet. (Dis dawg is kleery be mistreeted in dis howse wif da mom and da Gman and da big dawg. Somebudy need to come save me from dis plays and maked mom gived me stayk and maked big dawg shared da gud beds and pleeze maked Gman give me gud siyd of hyoman bed. Kay thanx!)
I deesiyd mebbe we need to konsider nuther V.E.T. cuz dis won iz big theef. Furst him steeled all my rownd stuffs. But sometiym him iz niyc and gived me new round stuffs liyk dem marbulls dat is in my hed. Now him want to steel dem round stuffs wut he gived me as prezunt. Wut iz happen wen I doesn't haf no more rownd stuffs for him to steel!?! I shuddur to tink wut will be gone next tiym.
Well, dat iz enuf for me today. My chiken pills do maked me sleepy dawg, so I iz gonna go cuddel my blu blankee and pownder how to gits V.E.T. to be gud hyoman and not steeled so much.
Kisses & Snuggles - Buddy Dawg
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I can teach tricks too!
Jumping is still da skeery skeery stuff to do. So I waits for mom or Gman to telled me iz safe. Dem din't knowed dat der wuz majik word so dem wud sayed all sorts of stuffs liyk "Go Buddy, Up Buddy, Buddy Jump, Buddy Come, Come Buddy, Buddy COME, Here Buddy....seriously Buddy it's one foot - jump already you little punk." Dem cud sayed it all day long and I wud sit liyk gud dawg and waited for dem to do da trik I wuz teeched dem. Dis trik iz to said "OK, Buddy!" As soon as dem sayed da trik word "OK" zooooom!!! up I go!!!
Now I haz to figyur owt wut dem next trik shud be. I haz narrow down da opshun to "Hyoman, karried me all da playces I wants to go" and "Hyoman, bring me da wormies wut I cud rolled in".
Well wud see how kwik dem lerns da next one!!
Kisses & Snuggles - Buddy Dawg
Monday, January 4, 2010
I am back...again, for real this time. :)

So, now dat we had dis littul talk and she gotted ovur da oldies and da holudayz and da hanged ovurs I iz shore dat she wud letted me updayt my bloggy more often.
We did goed to lots of partee dis holuday seezun, even da big dawg got inviyted to Gigi's dis tiym. We gotted lots of prezunts from da fambily and da Santa Pawz. My fayvorit prezunt is da nommies, Maxim fayvorit iz da stuffy dat is sposeda be miyn. Him waz such gud dawg at da partees...until da end, den him did is faymus trik of steel da uder dawg bed. Him do not fitted on cuzin dawg bed tho, see?