Life from the view of an eyeless pup - and his BFF.
Well, dat is enuf for today, sorry iz so short (liyk me!!) but I iz promise tomorrow wud be much more katched up stuff kay?
Hugs & Kisses - Buddy Dawg
Most important things to know about owning a blind dog....no one will appreciate you more than a dog who fully trusts you to make their life better. Nothing is more rewarding than knowing your dog trusts you to make his dark world safe and fill it with light. A kiss and cuddle from a blind dog on a bad day is quite possibly the most wonderful feeling. The first time your blind dog exhibits true independence again after losing his/her sight is quite possibly more rewarding than anything else you have ever done. A blind dog will not judge you for your faults, and appreciates you overlooking theirs....they weren't aware they had faults in the first place!
Buddy's mom-A
Kisses & Snuggles-Buddy Dawg
1. Be one of the first 3 commentors on this post that says I want to play!
2. Then I will send you a “Paw it Forward package” , it can be a stuffie or a treat or anything you want to send!
3. Then you need to blog about it!
4. And send a package to the first 3 commentors on your post.
I dunno, sniff is gud. I is gonna biyt it!
Mom did also getted us new treets. Dis is da new bones. Miyn is piggy skin wif duck skins wrapped arownd of it. Is not helthy treet, but wen you is sick den helthy is not so big deel as happy. 'Sides, be honest - does you eeted da chokolat for da helthy? How about wen you drinks da alkohols? See?! Happy trumped da helthy. At leest dis is wut mom keeped telling to herself wen she gived it to me.
ZOMG!!! Must shuv whole fayc insiyd dis rite now. Nom Nom Nom!!
Mom, cud I sleeped wif miyn tonite?
Kisses & Snuggles-Buddy Dawg
More please :)
At first wen I grabbed da kant-a-lope mom kinda was scared. She din't know if I cud have dis foody or if it wud maked me sick. But she sed is ok, I can has dis kind. And, cuz she sawed how much I loved it. She sed sometymes she wud use dis treat to trained me - so dat I cud getted more. Mebbe know I cud chewed it lil bit and sayvor da flayvor. I bet if she gived me dis nommy I wud do "Forward" liyk champyon. We will seed tomorrow!!Now let's tak about how mom keeps sayin "look" in da vidyo. Reely mom? Look at my fays. Look, do you see dem peepers? Nope, you see dem eye-spots. I don't has peepers so I doesn't look at nufin, woman!! I smells, and I feels, and I heers you. I tink you needs to konsidur revyzing da langwage wif me.
Kisses & snuggles - Buddy Dawg